How-to Guides

BlueJeans gives you the flexibility to meet your business needs with various BlueJeans cloud services. Regardless of the industry or business scenario in which you build your application, BlueJeans provides developers with the resources to enhance their workflow with video conferencing. This increases productivity and collaboration between colleagues, increasing customer satisfaction and engagement.

BlueJeans provides developers with two types of OAuth authentication. 

  • Enterprise Scope OAuth: This type of OAuth authentication is only for the applications or clients that need to create an enterprise scope. This means that third-party applications cannot request this information (Ref. Steps to create an OAuth Application).
  • Three-legged OAuth: This type of OAuth authentication allows users to view BlueJeans functionality in third-party applications. When the third-party application prompts for the BlueJeans credentials, the user authenticates the third-party application and grants the necessary permissions to access the BlueJeans functionality (Ref. 3 Legged OAUTH).

Depending on your type of integration, you can opt for the types of OAuth authentication. If you are doing a process workflow automation within your company, you can go for the Enterprise scope OAuth authentication. If you are building an application for third-party users, you can go for the three-legged OAuth

BlueJeans personnel must enable enterprise-level APIs for you. You will know if you have this capability enabled, you can see the “OAuth Access” tab on the admin page. If you do not have the OAuth Access tab enabled in your account, you can reach out to the support team to get enabled.

Below, you will find a collection of "How-to" pages that can walk you through common application use-cases needing BlueJeans functions.