BlueJeans is being sunset. Please refer to more details

Join Meeting

To access the meeting from the application, you must join the meeting. Providing a meeting link will make it easy for users to find the meeting that they are looking for. The information can be provided in many ways, including email, invitation, notification in the app, or chat within the company.
Depending on the default settings of your enterprise, the web link may open the Desktop App by default. You can create a link that forces the web browser to open it by adding /webrtc to the end.


  • Standard Meeting Link ({numeric_meeting_id})
  • Standard Meeting Link with Passcode Required ({numeric_meeting_id}/{attendee_passcode})
  • Meeting Link forcibly join thru Browsers ({numeric_meeting_id}/{attendee_passcode}/webrtc)


If your browser does not support WebRTC, then you will be guided to download the BlueJeans client application to connect to the meetings.

BlueJeans meeting offers various ways to join the meeting. If you want to join the meeting for the first time using SDK, use the following ways