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BlueJeans offers a range of APIs that provide access to valuable features, like meetings. To use these APIs, you first need to get an access token. To obtain the access token, call the Authentication API with the required credentials. The Authentication API checks your credentials and returns an access token if they are valid. This token is your key to use BlueJeans APIs, including User, Meetings, and Enterprise App APIs. Access tokens are the first step to using BlueJeans APIs.


To authenticate the BlueJeans meeting, you must provide valid credentials. Once the authentication successfully done, you can be able to schedule a meeting using an access token generated from your username and password. Furthermore, with the access token, you can access various other REST APIs supported by BlueJeans. These APIs allow you to perform tasks such as retrieving and updating account details, creating default settings, managing personal meetings, and more.

[POST] "" 
           -H "accept: application/json" 
           -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
           -d "{ 
                "grant_type": "password", 
                "username": "joe.user",
                "password": "my_pwrd"


  • You must set the grant_type to "password" (string) in the API.
  • By utilizing user-level credentials in the authentication API mentioned above, you will receive a user access token. Similarly, if you provide enterprise admin credentials (admin's username and password), you will obtain an admin access token. With this admin access token, you have the ability to execute a majority of the BlueJeans APIs with administrative privileges.


To obtain the meeting token, you must provide the numerical meeting ID and the meeting passcode. If the passcode of a moderator is provided in the API mentioned below, the resulting access token will grant moderator abilities. Conversely, if the passcode of a participant is used in the API, the access token will confer participant abilities within the meeting. The meeting access token is only valid for live_meeting API, which is typically used when a meeting is in progress. By utilizing a meeting token, you will have the capability to perform various in-meeting actions such as recording, terminating, inviting participants, and more.

[POST] "" 
              -H "accept: application/json"
              -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
              -d "{ 
                   "meetingNumericId": "408***1212", 
                   "meetingPasscode": "2404"


  • You must set the grant_type to "meeting_passcode" (string) in the API.
  • Any API which has a live_meeting API would be called via a meeting access token, not by any other access token.
  • If you call live_meeting API when a meeting is not progressing, you would be thrown a 401 exception or 200 OK with the meeting has been terminated.

A sample example of how to perform live_meeting API for recording.

Call the below live_meeting API with the meeting access token to start the current meeting session. This endpoint stops recording for a meeting in progress.

[PUT] "{1234}/live_meetings/{12345678}/recordings?action=start" 

Call the below API with the meeting access token to stop recording the session. This endpoint starts recording for a meeting in progress

[POST] "{1234}/live_meetings/{12345678}/recordings?action=stop" 


To generate an application token, you will need to provide the client_id and client_secret parameter values, which are obtained from the BlueJeans Enterprise Administrative Console (Ref. Register an Application ). These parameter values can only be generated and provided by a BlueJeans administrator.

By using an application token, you gain access to a wide range of APIs that an administrator can utilize, including user APIs, enterprise APIs, meeting history APIs, and more. However, please note that the inMeeting and live_meeting actions APIs are exceptions and cannot be accessed using an application token.

Many companies often seek to automate various processes such as scheduling meetings, downloading recordings, and accessing live analytics to streamline their internal operations. BlueJeans refers to these as Workflow Automation Scenarios. For instance, a company might want to create a brand new 1-time meeting id when an incident occurs, for all the concerned stakeholders to join the meeting, find RCA, and resolve the issue.

To support such scenarios, BlueJeans enables developers and IT teams to create an application token with enterprise-wide scope. This token allows developers to make REST API calls on behalf of any user without compromising the user's username or password.

[POST] ""
               -H "accept: application/json" 
               -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
               -d "{ "grant_type": "client_credentials",
                       "client_id": "a_client_app", 
                       "client_secret": "62a01e....8ddc38f04008"


  • You must set the grant_type to "client_credentials" (string) in the API.
  • Use your access token in the application bearer to execute the API.