Guide for embed experience

Here are the steps you should follow to join a video call for the first time from a website that embeds BlueJeans Web Embed SDK:


  • Make sure you use the latest version of the browser or one version lesser for a better experience.
  • Good internet connection.


  • To join your first video call using the BlueJeans Web Embed SDK, you can either click on the provided video call link or enter the meeting ID and passcode or just meeting ID on the website that incorporates the BlueJeans Web Embed SDK provided by the host or organizer.


If the host sets a passcode when planning the meeting, you must enter it to join the meeting.

  • It is recommended to provide your camera and microphone permission to join a meeting, you will see a pop-up asking for your permission to access these devices. Click "Allow" to grant permission.

  • You have the option to join the meeting with your audio and video muted, using the meeting controls either before or after entering the meeting.

  • Wait for the host or organizer to start the call. In case you are the host/moderator, you will see the below snapshot. 

    In the waiting room enable meeting, you may see a message indicating that you are waiting for the call to start.
  • After the call has commenced, you can engage in it by speaking, sharing your screen (5 in the below image), and exchanging messages with other participants.

  • When you join a meeting, you have the option to customize your audio and video settings, video configuration, moderator controls, and preferences using the edit setting icon (11). You can also choose the device for capturing your audio and video, as well as your preferred microphone and camera. If you do not make any selections, the SDK will automatically use the default settings.

  • To leave the meeting, simply click on the "Leave Meeting" button (6 in the above image ).

Congratulations, you have successfully joined your first video call using the Web Embed SDK. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to BlueJeans support for assistance.