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Customization of Patient Landing Experience

Patient Landing Experience (PLE) customization will only be applicable for BlueJeans Telehealth customers using televisits. The customizations below are not applicable for regular embedded meetings.

The Web Embed SDK provides the ability to customize various aspects of the Patient Landing Experience including; messaging, provider name and title, background color, screen workflow, logo, and video/article resources. 

To implement these various customization properties, you will need to add them within the teleHealthConfig object in the UI props. For more information on these individual customization capabilities, you can check the sub-sections below.

"meetingInfo": {
        "meetingId": "MeetingID",
        "passcode": "Passcode",
        "name": "Name"
"uiProps": {
        "teleHealthConfig": {
	    "skipCheckIn": true,
            "logo": "https://Your Logo URL",
	    "whiteLogo": "https://Your Logo URL",
	    "providerImage": "https://Your Provider Image URL"
	    "backgroundColor": "Custom_Color in (solid or linear gradient color)",
	    "welcomeText": "Hi!!",
	    "waitingText": "Loading...",
            "providerName": "Provider Name",
	    "providerTitle": "Provider Title (designation)",
	     "resources": {
                "videos": {
                    "data": [
                            "title": "General Care",
                            "thumbnailUrl": "https://Your thumbnail URL(mp4)",
                            "url": "Your Video URL",
                            "duration": "10:33"
                "articles": {
                    "data": [
                            "title": "Article-1",
                            "thumbnailUrl": "https://Your thumbnail URL(pdf)",
                            "url": "https://Your Article URL"


We recommend using only HTTPS URL links to customize the Patient Landing Experience 

The detailed customizations of PLE are enumerated in the subsections below: