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Webhooks are typically used as a way to notify third-party applications of events occurring in meetings. During a meeting, Instead of allowing multiple repeated API calls to fetch data frequently, event notifications can be sent as HTTP POST requests to developer-configured endpoints. A webhook is a way to push event-related data to a server in response to events that your app subscribes to.

A webhook is an HTTP endpoint that sends event information to a server endpoint. When an event occurs, a webhook sends pertinent data to an endpoint URL, including meeting instances, recording, chat, screen share, moderator waiting room, user profile, and more.

You can configure one or more webhooks to your enterprise application. Webhooks can be enabled/disabled independently in the admin consoleBy default, you can configure 10 webhooks in the admin console. If you need more, please contact our support team.

You can subscribe your application to one or more events by creating webhooks in BlueJeans administrative console. When one of your subscription events occurs, BlueJeans will send an HTTP POST request payload to your webhook event notification endpoint URL. For example, if you subscribe to the Meeting-> Meeting Started event, each time a meeting is started by a user in your account, a POST request containing data about the event is sent.

To get started with receiving your first webhook event, you can check Quick Start Guide.