BlueJeans is being sunset. Please refer to more details

Retry Logic

When an event is triggered, your event notification endpoint URL should respond with an HTTP 200 OK status code within 10 seconds of receiving events. After that, BlueJeans considers the notification has been sent successfully.

If notification delivery fails, BlueJeans will attempt to deliver the event notification three times with Exponential Backoff.

  • The first attempt is sent 30 seconds after the initial notification delivery attempt failure.
  • A second attempt is sent 60 seconds after the first attempt.
  • A third attempt is sent 90 seconds after the second attempt.

If a 200 response is received after any retry attempt, then the event notification is treated as successfully delivered.

However, if BlueJeans does not receive a 200 OK response after three attempts, no further notifications of that event will be sent to the endpoint URL. BlueJeans will wait 48 hours to attempt to successfully deliver the meeting events. If neither is successful, the webhook endpoint URL will be marked as "Disabled". If one of them succeeds, the counter will be reset.

In a scenario where you are facing a network outage or downtime, the logic above would give you a 48-hour window before your configuration is disabled.