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Auth Tokens

To effectively use the BlueJeans API, it is important to authenticate the API with the access token. When selecting the most suitable authentication method for your specific use case, there are various factors to consider, such as the type of credentials and the required authentication method.

The initial action involves generating an OAuth token, which enables the execution of the desired API. It is important to note that certain API calls necessitate a specific access token, so it is essential to verify the requirements of each API call.

Use the following types of access tokens to authenticate your application or schedule meetings and more.




Scope of Access Tokens

Once you have obtained the access token that you have obtained from one of the authentication methods, you will need to include the access token in the successive API endpoint calls.


If you want to retrieve the user information using the endpoint ( /v1/user/{user_id}), add the access token as an HTTP header using bearer authentication using the following format. 

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}


As mentioned, access tokens will only be able to run endpoints that their level and scope of access allow.

How to use an authentication method

Upon authentication, you will receive an access token that can be used by subsequent API endpoints that your program runs. Access tokens can be obtained from four types of grants, password, meeting, client, and code. Each requires different information to authenticate the user and each access token.

Password Grant Type

Password Grant Type will simply ask for you the BlueJeans username and password to generate the access token. The level of access will depend on whether the user is an enterprise admin or not determined by their user account.


If your enterprise uses Single Sign-on, this type cannot be used with those credentials.

Meeting Grant Type

Meeting Grant Type requires two pieces of information a numeric meeting ID and a passcode. The scope of access depends on the type of passcode you use (moderator or participant). Users with that passcode can each perform in a BlueJeans Meeting, such as initiating recording or muting their audio.

Client Grant Type

The Client Grant Type requires an app key and app secret generated by the BlueJeans Enterprise administrator in the admin panel. Using this App key and App Secret, you can be able to create a new app by providing the necessary information. Fill in the required fields and an app secret will be generated automatically.  By creating individual apps, you can separate, and isolate which programs use which apps.


This method of authentication will authenticate at the enterprise level.

Code Grant Type

The code grant authentication method is an extension of the client grant type in that it requires a combination of an existing app key and a secret code. This is a three-legged authentication method that allows you to pair a user account for a built application or program with a BlueJeans user account.


If you have a chat application that uses a user account database and you want those users to be able to link your BlueJeans user account, you can save the access token and renewal token in the chat program database as saved authentication. These access tokens expire, so the refresh authentication method uses the existing refresh token to obtain a new access token and refreshes token pair.